[Experimental] Helper function to use with download_abs_data_cube().

download_abs_data_cube() requires that you specify a catalogue. search_catalogues() helps you find the catalogue you want, by searching for a given string in the catalogue names, product title, and broad topic.

search_catalogues(string, refresh = FALSE)



Character. A word or phrase you want to search for, such as "labour" or "union". Not case sensitive.


Logical. FALSE by default. If TRUE, will re-scrape the ABS website to ensure that the list of catalogues is up-to-date.


A data frame (tibble) containing the topic (heading), product title (sub_heading), catalogue (catalogue) and URL (URL) of any catalogues that match the provided string.

See also


#> # A tibble: 34 × 4
#>    heading                     sub_heading                       catalogue url  
#>    <chr>                       <chr>                             <chr>     <chr>
#>  1 National accounts           Tourism Satellite Accounts: quar… tourism-… http…
#>  2 Finance                     Labour Costs, Australia           labour-c… http…
#>  3 Employment and unemployment Labour Force, Australia           labour-f… http…
#>  4 Employment and unemployment Labour Force, Australia, Detailed labour-f… http…
#>  5 Employment and unemployment Barriers and Incentives to Labou… barriers… http…
#>  6 Employment and unemployment Public sector employment and ear… public-s… http…
#>  7 Employment and unemployment Labour Force Status of Families   labour-f… http…
#>  8 Employment and unemployment Retirement and Retirement Intent… retireme… http…
#>  9 Employment and unemployment Underemployed workers             underemp… http…
#> 10 Employment and unemployment Participation, Job Search and Mo… particip… http…
#> # ℹ 24 more rows